Category: Pinterest

Image of a calendar with color-coded time blocks with the Pinterest logo, and blog post title and tailwind logo.

Is There a Best Time to Pin to Pinterest?

Discover the best times to pin on Pinterest for optimal engagement and growth. Learn how time zones and daily engagement patterns play a role and get data-driven insights for maximizing your Pinterest strategy. Start reaching your audience effectively with this structured approach.

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Smartphone screen showing pinterest homescreen on a blue background with the blog post title and Tailwind in white font

Pinterest SEO Guide: Getting Traffic Fast

Learn how to optimize your Pinterest presence for improved SEO results. From strategic keyword integration to effective content creation and cross-platform promotion, this comprehensive guide will help you drive traffic and engagement on the popular image search engine. Start your Pinterest SEO journey today!

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Smartphone screen showing pinterest app logo on a purple and salmon background with the title of the blog post and Tailwind in white letters.

Viral Pin: How To Consistently Go Viral On Pinterest?

Learn the secrets of creating viral pins on Pinterest with effective design tools, engaging graphics, and strategic SEO tactics. Elevate your content strategy and boost discoverability for maximum reach. Try it now with a free trial of Tailwind!

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Image of wooden toy blocks stacked on each other with B 2 B stamped on them on a blue background with the blog post title and tailwind logo in white font.

B2B Pinterest Strategy: Getting Started

Unlock the potential of B2B Pinterest marketing by creating a compelling profile, engaging boards, and strategic content that resonates with your target audience. Learn how to leverage SEO techniques, Rich Pins, and ad targeting to drive traffic and generate leads. With proper keyword research and analysis of Pinterest Analytics, you can optimize your strategy and see successful results for your B2B business.

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Photo of a tablet screen showing Pinterest images of Winter Photography on a blue background with the blog post title and tailwind in white font.

How Can Small Businesses Benefit From Pinterest?

Grow your small business on Pinterest with creative content strategies and SEO tips. Discover how to utilize Pinterest for market research and leveraging SEO for boosted ecommerce sales and advertising success. Learn how to track and analyze Pinterest metrics to avoid common pitfalls and optimize your pins for better SEO.

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Image of a sunflower, a pumpkin, and a tall glass of an orange-colored milkshake with the words "3x your traffic with seasonal content on pinterest"

3x Your Traffic with Seasonal Content on Pinterest

Master seasonal content pinning & get the traffic results you want! Learn my proven strategy for creating pins, optimizing content, & scheduling to get 3x more traffic during the holidays. Get my FREE 24-Page Seasonal Pinterest Planner & join my LIVE Pinterest Bootcamp for Bloggers. Start now!

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