Category: Email Marketing

woman working at computer with blog title
AI in Marketing

5 Proven Copywriting Email Frameworks to Electrify Your Audiences

We’ve put together a list of the five best copywriting frameworks you can implement right now for your email marketing strategy so you can spend less time overanalyzing and more time writing effective copy that builds rapport, engagement, and trust with your clients and converts.

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Woman sitting cross-legged on a chair holding her laptop on her lap while looking to her left as if thinking against a magenta and orange background with the blog title and Tailwind in white font.
Email Marketing

Email Abbreviations: Key Things To Know

Confused by email marketing jargon and abbreviations? Get the scoop with this comprehensive guide to some of the most commonly used terms and learn about features like A/B Testing, CTR, and more! Get up to speed on the basics with Tailwind, the all-in-one solution for email marketing.

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Graphic of a desktop computer with an email icon on the screen on an magenta and orange background with the blog post title and Tailwind logo in white font.
AI in Marketing

Ecommerce Email Marketing: Tips To Get Started

Learn the winning strategies for email marketing in the ecommerce industry, including list growth, subject line tips, optimizing for mobile, creating effective CTAs, and analyzing campaign performance. Boost your business and revenue with Tailwind Ghostwriter, the AI-driven solution for ecommerce email marketing.

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Email Marketing

Marketing Automation Strategies to Improve Your Business Workflow

One of the most powerful outreach tools for businesses is marketing automation. This allows businesses more flexibility and efficiency in marketing and can result in a greater return on investment. In what follows, you’ll learn about the best marketing automation strategies that can make your business stand out against the competition!

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Photo of someone working on an open laptop while looking at their smartphone against a salmon background with the blog post title and Tailwind logo.
Email Marketing

How to Create a Successful Email Newsletter

Nowadays, the true value of email newsletters is more important than ever. But, creating a truly exceptional email newsletter entails more than just sending a few lines of text out once or twice a week. In this post, we’re going to show you how to write a rockstar newsletter that entices them to open.

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A graphic of an open envelope with two people and a bidirectional arrow between them on an orange and yellow gradient background with the blog post title and Tailwind logo.
Email Marketing

Complete Beginner’s Guide to B2B Email Marketing

With impeccably curated, value-driven, engaging content, you can guide potential and new customers through the sales funnel from acquisition to purchase. Then, you can boost customer retention rates by keeping them in the loop and maintaining profitable relationships on both sides!

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