Pinterest Statistics for Marketers to Know in 2021

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Shows Total Saves and Total Followers in Pinterest analytics on a blue background

There’s nothing we love more than an interesting statistic – especially when it’s data that helps us adjust our marketing strategy or think about audiences in new ways.

The Pinterest statistics below are no exception – tell-tale signs of platform growth, user behavior and interests across different demographics can really help you fine-tune your approach to marketing on the platform. Or maybe it’ll encourage you to finally take the plunge and get started on Pinterest!

Skim this roundup of data and insights – and prepare to be amazed!

Pinterest Statistics to Pique Your Interest

  1. The average visit duration to Pinterest (as of April 2021) was 4 minutes and 48 seconds.
  2. Men on Pinterest grew 48% year over year in 2020 
  3. Top trends for Gen Z include “cottagecore fashion”, with a 80x increase in searches.
  4. Top trends for men include “kitchen storage solutions”, with a 7x increase in Pinterest searches.
  5. Top trends for millennials “fun couple activities”, with a 30x increase in Pinterest searches.

These statistics are not only interesting, they reveal an important marketing advantage. Pinterest can be a great platform for any B2C business, especially with target audiences spanning multiple gender and age demographics!

  1. Pinterest ads see a 2.3x lower cost per click than other social media ads.

Speaking of ads, one niche in particular is getting more and more creative with their Pinterest ads: food! 

As we noted in our 2021 Pinterest Trends Report, searches for “gourmet food plating,” “food garnishes” and “bread art” skyrocketed this year.

Ready to use Pinterest to meet your marketing goals? Try out Tailwind’s social media management tool for free! You can create stunning Pins in seconds, schedule them to go out at the best times, and analyze your Pin performance – all in one place!

Pinterest Growth Over Time

  1. In 2016, Pinterest had 128 million mau(monthly active users), in December 2020, Pinterest had 459 million mau!
  2. In 2020 Pinterest grew 37% globally! 
  3. Women still make up over 60% of Pinterest platform
  4. Gen Z users grew 50% YoY on Pinterest

Pinterest Statistics for Marketing

Pinterest Statistics for Business

Pinterest doesn’t just generate interest for your brand or business, it’s extremely effective at converting! Check out the stats below:

  1. Pinterest conducted a study showing that positivity has a bit impact on brands that they remember 
  2. 85% of weekly pinners bought “based on Pins they see from brands” 
  3. People who use Pinterest spend 80% more in retail than those who don’t use it
  4. Pinterest is an attractive platform for the “decision makers” in their homes, those with purchasing power
  5. ⅔ pinners say that Pinterest is where to go to find their ideas, products or services they can trust
  6. Pinterest shopping time is highest of any social media platform (25%)

Pinterest User Stats & Demographics

How Pinterest Can Work For You

Pinterest can have immense values for businesses and brands looking to connect with their audiences, drive traffic to their sites and even sell on Pinterest.

More and more audiences are finding Pinterest and using it to search for ideas, inspiration and even products they love. And it’s easier than you think to get started! Especially when you have a smart marketing assistant in your corner – like Tailwind!

Whether you’re looking to create hundreds of personalized Pin designs for your industry and/ or content type (psst… all the Pins featured in this article are available templates in our Create tool), or find out more information about the type of Pins that are working best for you, Tailwind can help you manage your Pinterest marketing – and your other platforms, too!

Curious? Give it a try for free!

Are you interested in testing out Pinterest for your marketing goals? Here are some statistics to get you excited about using Pinterest for marketing your business!

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