Category: Oh So Pinteresting

Picture of a man dressed like Sherlock Holmes looking through a magnifying glass with the title of the blog post on an orange and magenta background.
Oh So Pinteresting

How to Find the Original Source of a Pinterest Pin

Struggling with broken links and repins on Pinterest? Discover advanced search techniques, use Pinterest’s search function, and protect your images to find the original source of a pin. Get pin-spired with our helpful tips!

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Oh So Pinteresting

How to Repin on Pinterest Strategically

Do you have a strategy for repinning on Pinterest? No? You could be missing some key opportunities. It has been reported that up to 80% of the pins you see on Pinterest are repins. Given all of the beautiful images and useful information that can be found on Pinterest its easy to see why the percentage is so high.

For business owners, Pinterest recommends “Instead of just showing off your products, show what inspires them. Create boards for the ideas, places, people and moods behind your brand.” This can be accomplished through repinning and repinning can also have added business benefits.

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Oh So Pinteresting

What Types of Businesses Shouldn’t Bother with Pinterest

I’m often asked several variations of the question exactly what type of business should use Pinterest. Should only B2C (business to consumer) businesses be on Pinterest? Should only product-based businesses use Pinterest? Should only female oriented businesses have a presence on Pinterest? Should MY Business be on Pinterest?

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Oh So Pinteresting

Understanding the Mythical Beast of Content Marketing OSP 097

Content marketing is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot. But what exactly is it? Does your business really need it?

Welcome to the second installment of my four-part Summer Super Fun digital marketing Spectacular. Last week we talked about what businesses should know about websites, this week we’re going to take a look at the content marketing side of things.

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Oh So Pinteresting

What Businesses Need to Know About Websites OSP 096

Welcome to the first episode of the Summer Super Fun Digital Marketing Series! Pinterest can’s work for a business all on it’s own. I’ve invited Ian Anderson Gray to join me on the next four episodes of the podcast to really dig into digital marketing to give you a great foundation for your Pinterest marketing. In this first episode we’re going to start off by discussing what businesses need to know about websites.

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Oh So Pinteresting

Getting Serious with Pinterest Automation OSP 095

My friend Ralph Rivera and his wife Carol Lynn have seen that Pinterest brings a significant amount of traffic to their website but hadn’t been able to incorporate it into their marketing system, until now. With systems, tools and Pinterest automation they are now strategically growing their Pinterest account and bringing even more traffic to their website.

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Oh So Pinteresting

The Easy Way to Create Great Images for Marketing OSP 094

The Internet has been making a gradual shift away from text and towards images for decades. Since the rise of social media and especially since Pinterest came on the scene, the shift has gained some serious momentum. In just the past few years we’ve seen that it now takes more than a well written article or social media post to get attention in the crowded online space. Now, you need to include great images for your marketing efforts to even stand a chance.

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Oh So Pinteresting

Smart Easy Pinterest Marketing OSP 093

If you’re looking for a tool that will help you save time and have a more strategic approach to your Pinterest marketing help is here. Pinterest created the Marketing Developers Program in which only a few select companies have been invited to participate in. The companies involved in the program have access to Pinterest’s API to build tools that will help businesses grow their presence on Pinterest.

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