Tag: Pinterest 101

Image of a sunflower, a pumpkin, and a tall glass of an orange-colored milkshake with the words "3x your traffic with seasonal content on pinterest"

3x Your Traffic with Seasonal Content on Pinterest

Master seasonal content pinning & get the traffic results you want! Learn my proven strategy for creating pins, optimizing content, & scheduling to get 3x more traffic during the holidays. Get my FREE 24-Page Seasonal Pinterest Planner & join my LIVE Pinterest Bootcamp for Bloggers. Start now!

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Blog post title in white font on a magenta and blue background with the tailwind logo in white.

How to Delete Boards and Pins on Pinterest in 5 Steps!

Learn how to effectively delete Pins and Boards on Pinterest while avoiding negative impacts on your account. Discover the three reasons for deleting content and how to do it in bulk. Plus, get access to a free Pinterest for Business webinar for even more helpful tips.

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What is Pinterest SEO?

I know, I know. Pinterest is our escape, our happy place. So when you mention Pinterest and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) together, unless you’re an

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